
Animonday #7

Animonday is here again!

G is for Giraffe. This time I got too carried away with the fancy way the giraffe moves, so I made both walk and run of the animal.

Sketches done with black ballpoint pen and water colors on midtone paper. 
Animation done in Sketchbook Pro 2015.

Enjoy your week everyone! 




Animonday #6

Animals of monday continue. 

F is for Fox! And the fox is trotting.

Sketches done with black ballpoint pen and water colors on midtone paper. 
Animation done in Sketchbook Pro 2015.

Have nice week guys!




Animonday #5

Monday animals continues!

E is for Eastern Gorilla!

Sketches done with black ballpoint pen and water colors on midtone paper. 
Animation done in Sketchbook Pro 2015.

Have great week guys!




People sketching

Beginning of this year I got myself a habit of going around the town and draw people, buildings, plants, animals whatever I happened to see around. I call it "live drawing" as I'm drawing the things "live" as in being in that certain time and moment to catch whatever I see around. Here're some of the random people I've been drawing here and there.
Kids at the bouncing castle.

There was some anime/manga happening in my town, and suddenly this curious looking bunny man hopped in my view. 

Everything drawing with a black ballpoint pen and watercolors, in some quite cheap sketchbook I happened to have, which definitely was not the best one with watercolors.. 




Animonday #4

Time for another animal of the alphabets!

D is for Dolphin

Sketches done with black ballpoint pen and water colors on midtone paper. 
Animation done in Sketchbook Pro 2015.

Have a nice week everyone!




Figure Drawing

Here's some figure drawing stuff I've been doing over the past couple of years. I've been using quite a few different pens and markers, so here's a little collection of the different styles.




Daily Sketches Vol 1, Part 3/3

The third and the last part of the daily drawings of February!

Next week I will post some daily drawings of March! Stay tuned!




Animonday #3

Animonday means more animals and animation!

C is for Cheetah! 

Sketches done with black ballpoint pen and water colors on midtone paper. 
Animation done in Sketchbook Pro 2015.

I hope you have great week everyone!




Stripless Tiger

I'm a bit late for the Inktober thing.. I am going to do it but I'll post the pictures later..

And I do have a good excuse for not starting it in time... I was animating!

Just a little study/test thingy of a tiger walking and jumping on a rock. I used a video I took years ago in a zoo as a reference. That and a video of a lion jumping on a rock that I found on youtube.

I was quite surprised how much patience I actually had and didn't rush it.. Although still took just about 12 hours to do, so with a bit more patience it could have become a bit more clean... and have stripes. But I'm happy the way it is now and I may or may not add the stripes later if I find the inspiration to draw them.. You can guess it would be a bit pain in the arse to animate them... x__x

Here are two versions of the animation. First one only has the keys, maybe a couple of inbetweens.. and the second one is fully inbetweened. It runs 275 frames 24fps, mostly on 2s. Animated on Sketchbook Pro 2015. As you may notice I changed some of the keys to the final version to make the poses a bit more clear, also moved the rock and changed the timing a bit at some parts so in the end turned up to be 25 frames shorter than the first version.

Only keys

Fully inbetweened.

Feel free to drop comments and/or critics! Feedback is always welcome, as long as it's constructive! :3




Daily Sketches Vol 1, Part 2/3

The second part of the February's daily sketches! Random animals doing random things!

Third and the last part of the February sketches will be posted next week! 




Animonday #2

Time for another Animonday! Continuing the Animals A to Z series.

B is for Beaver!

Sketches done with black ballpoint pen and water colors on midtone paper. 
Animation done in TVP.

I hope you have great week guys!




Daily Sketches Vol 1, Part 1/3

Some months ago I decided to draw something every day. I found these little midtone sketchbooks with 20 pages, which I thought would be perfect for drawing little something on one page per day. Yee, there's more than 20 days in a month.. so is more accurately called "almost daily sketches", and also gave me some slack in case I wouldn't be able to draw quite every day..

So here's first part of the first sketchbook I filled. These drawings are from February and are drawn with markers and ink pen. And sketched with a red pencil mostly. And they may seem like finalized, fully rendered drawings... But anyway I still call them sketches.. :q

Next parts of February sketchbook will be posted following weeks! I divided this sketchbook in 3 parts so there wouldn't be a flood of drawings at once.. Let me know if you'd prefer to see all the 20 drawings (+cover) in one post so I will do it for the next month's drawings. And I apologize for the quality of the pictures.. I took photos of them with my phone as I was too lazy to plug in my scanner and scan them one by one... x__x Let me know if you wanna see some of them in better quality!

So here're the Random Animals of February 2015!

Second part of the February drawings will be posted next week! Stay tuned!

