
Long time no ocean

Woo, it's been a while since the last post.. :q I've been kinda busy...

So much has happened in these few months... I made my thesis, went to Mexico (to meet my honeybun<3), graduated, got a job for the summer as "a teacher", started in an actual job as an animator, then got asked back to school to teach again.. and here I am.. Being busy as a bee by working my ass off in two places.. :q Just to get some money to go back to Mex again.. :3

About my thesis.. Can't remember if I've mentioned it earlier.. but it was about animating big cats.. You can find it here: https://publications.theseus.fi/handle/10024/33082
Sorry peeps.. only in Finnish for now.. but I suppose the pictures (animation sheets and such) will tell more than any word in that text.. xP Hopefully I will translate it (or the just the best parts) into English soon so it might be helpful for some others as well and not just those who can understand Finnish.. :P
Also there're the example animations of the movements I studied, they might be interesting for someone too... (You need to download the files.)

And here's a little something just for fun:

I was just testing Toon Boom.. And man.. I love doing 2D! <3___<3 I wish I had more time to do it...

Also my short film Lunchtime (see my last post) will be presented in Animatricks animation festival in Helsinki in October. http://www.animatricks.net/2011/index.php?page=uudet-kotimaiset-ii
The film will take part in competition.. and the first prize is 1000€.

As I said, atm I working on two jobs.. as a teacher in my old school (teaching about storyboards and stuff at the moment, and about animation later..)... Also I work at Anima Vitae, a Finnish animation studio, where I work as a junior animator on a tv-series. And which is quite fun, much more fun than teaching for I'm really am not a teacher.. xP I only said yes because they asked me, and also 'cause I need money.. :q In other hand is not too bad to do two jobs.. bad thing is that I'm just insanely tired all the time.. and I work so long days that I don't really have any freetime.. only few hours in the night before going to sleep.. :q

And just for fun.. here're some more tigers.. :3 Made for my own tiger.. ;3