Well, I suppose I have a good reason for my lack of activity. I was insanely busy.. as I told in the last post. Then I went to Mexico for the Christmas and New year. (Which was awesome btw!) And well, now that I finally have some time to do my own things, I might as well update my blog.
In fact, I'm just here to announce that very soon I will be posting the English translation of my thesis (Animating big cats) here. Or not the whole thing, just the most interesting and useful parts, in other words the animation sheets and example animations of the most common movements of big cats. Which I hope will be useful for someone. If not, well, I'll just put them here for my own amusement..
Meanwhile here's something I've been doing lately..
First of all, a little Valentine's day gifty for my beloved one. <:3 Probably one of my best works so far..

And then just playing again with Toon Boom... A little lynx animation, based on one of the movement studies I made for my thesis.